Friday, May 13, 2011

16 - 20

16.     The Mechanic
17.     Fire and Ice:  The Dragon Chronicles
18.     Jonah Hex
19.     Prince of Persia
20.     Moulin Rouge

Ok, so this group of movies is a relatively good one.  Lots of action in The Mechanic, Fire and Ice: The Dragon Chronicles, Jonah Hex and Prince of Persia.... well that just leaves Moulin Rouge, the musical that has love and drugs.  Good times.

I will keep this brief, unless the viewers want a more in depth look at them.

16.     The Mechanic     RATING:  6/10
     PROS:  explosions, Jason Statham, Donald Sutherland, explosions, guns, explosions,
     CONS:  typical assassin movie:  there's lots of them running around lately, plot,
          It had a lame plot typical of assassin movies, but it was entertaining enough and it had Jason Statham... enjoyable but not original.  Funny in some spots too.

17.     Fire and Ice:  The Dragon Chronicles     RATING:  4/10
     PROS:  Gimly is in it...
     CONS:  LAME!
          There is no nice way to say this... this movie SUCKED HARDCORE.  However it was not the worst, it held your attention by being so confusing you just had to see it through.  But in the end STILL made no sense, and Gimly dies off screen.  I usually don't like to give the ending of movies away... but this movie isn't worth it.  It passed the time, and was mildly amusing... I wouldn't watch it more than once...ever.

18.     Jonah Hex     RATING:  5/10
     PROS:  dead people talking, decent graphics... horses? OH! whores!... yup, that's it.
     CONS:  acting, plot, not enough explosions or explanations.
          Well this movie was better than Fire and Ice: TDC, simply because I was able to watch it more than once... but I was still confused.  How is he able to bring dead people back to life?! Frustrating! When they did bring the dead people back, it was very well done, think PotC1 kind of dead people.  The Plot was lame and most of the people cast were not extraordinary, this movie would have done better with a few more explosions.

19.     Prince of Persia     RATING:  5/10
     PROS:  cool effects, pretty girl, evil looking evil guy,
     CONS:  casting(he wasn't brown enough), lame ending
          Not much to say... they took a video game and made it into a movie.  The dagger was pretty and the ending was lame... I have never played the game, so that may be what is supposed to happen.  It was more the way they did it... like BAM! everything is better!  Not my favorite but it was entertaining.

20.     Moulin Rouge     RATING:  10/10
     PROS:  Musical.
     CONS:  ... wow ...
Yes, I know, a bit much.  But every once in a while there is a great movie.  This is one of them... it's a musical on drugs literally! How can it NOT be awesome??

Tata for now!

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